Texas Child Protection Law Bench Book

2023 version: As effective November 1, 2023

M. Who to Contact with Health Care Questions

DFPS developed a STAR Health mailbox which is staffed by the DFPS medical services team and is checked each business day. The email address is: DFPSStarHealth3In30@dfps.texas.gov.

Superior STAR Health staff are also available to serve as a liaison to help court teams navigate through the STAR Health program and avoid gaps in care and services to children and youth. Superior STAR Health can help court teams:

•   Facilitate interactions between Superior STAR Health, caseworkers, and Child Placing Agencies to provide a single point of contact.

•   Access to Superior STAR Health Liaisons who conduct education and provide Court Teams and caregivers with customized information packets.

•   Enhance communication with Court Teams and Superior STAR Health pertaining to referrals and follow-up for improved accountability, collaborative efforts and streamlined resolutions.

•   Collaborate with Court Teams to achieve better outcomes for members and foster parents.

•   Offer Superior STAR Health benefits education including, but not limited to, the 24/7 Nurse Advice Line and transportation options through the Superior STAR Health training team.

•   Obtain assistance from Superior Member Advocates with Medicaid-related needs and barriers Court Teams identify by calling 1-866-912-6283.

•   Address pending needs and resources during the staffing that occurs outside of court proceedings.

•   Follow identified cases until referrals are completed and members are linked with appropriate services.

•   As of 9/1/23, all STAR Health members will be assigned a service coordinator.

To set up a court meeting and training, provide the following information by email to Superior STAR Health at SH_JudicialMailbox@superiorhealthplan.com:

•   Your name;

•   Your contact number;

•   Your email address; and

•   What Superior STAR Health can assist you with.

Additional Links / Resources:

Texas DFPS Star Health webpage[103]

Superior HealthPlan STAR Health website[104]